Meet Sharon Brubaker…
And Her Team

Sharon is a certified Life Coach and credentialed Grief Specialist. She studied the science of grief and healing for over 16 years. Sadly, the topic of grief is a subject most people are not comfortable with. Yet, it is one of the few things that will affect every woman in her lifetime. We want to do the right thing and heal. But doing the right thing is exhausting and we get stuck in the pain.
Sharon teaches women who are grieving how to process their thoughts and emotions. Grieving is painful. You do not have to live with this pain for the rest of your life. True healing and peace are on the other side of this terrible pain. Once you learn to process the pain out of your heart, you will begin to live again. Sharon knows that your life will be forever changed, but healing your heart is possible.
She is not only your instructor – she is also a griever. She knows that feeling of a knife being stabbed clear through your soul. She remembers what’s it’s like to not want to get out of bed. She was the queen of drinking wine to stop the pain.
And the number one thing she knows for sure is that grief and pain are inevitable part of living here on earth. Making the decision to get help was a conscious decision that she will never regret.