Frequently Asked  Questions

My Grief Healing program will help you find the strength to move forward and live again. It’s grounded in cognitive behavioural science, which means it offers a proven process for unlocking what holds us back so we truly love our lives again!

Are Depression and Grief the same thing?

The question is often raised after someone loses a loved one, whether they are depressed.

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to a loss of any kind.  It is very important to understand the differences between the two to ensure that the correct treatment is received.

Grief is unique and individual to everyone, but the following symptoms might be experienced in common:

Lack of sleep or increased sleeping
Difficulty concentrating
Loss of appetite or increased appetite
Explosive anger episodes
Excessive crying
Excessive use of alcohol or recreational drugs
Loss of interest in everyday activities
Feelings of guilt or regret. See more….

Are Grief and Loss the same?

Grief is the emotional response to a loss of any kind.  A few examples of the types of loss an individual can experience are the loss of a loved one, pregnancy, financial security, marriage, pet, infertility, and health.

A loss means to lose something.  That loss can be physical or emotional.  What happens to our hearts after the loss is known as the “grieving process.” See more….

Are Grief and Mourning the same?

Let’s start with Webster’s definition:




  1. the expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died, typically involving following certain conventions such as wearing black clothes.

“She’s still in mourning after the death of her husband.”

black clothes are worn as an expression of grief when someone dies. See more…

Can Grief Change You?

Yes.  Grief will change you forever.  I would like to type out in this blog, “No, your grief will not change you,” but that would be a lie.

Your grief will change the trajectory of your life forever.  You will never be the same person again.  Hear me loud and clear when I tell you that this is not always bad.  However, you will never go back to who you were before the grieving experience. See more…

Are Grief and Bereavement the same thing?



Learn to pronounce


  1. the action or condition of being bereaved.

“there is no right way to experience bereavement

Loss- deprivation-dispossession-sorrow-sadness



Learn to pronounce


  1. deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death.

“she was overcome with grief”

Sorrow-misery-sadness-anguish=pain=distress-agony. See more…

Can Grief Make You Tired?

Grieving the loss of a loved one takes immense energy.  Chronic fatigue and exhaustion are extremely common throughout the grieving process.  Sometimes, it takes all our energy to pretend that we are okay when in reality, we feel as though we are drowning in despair.  We move through each day as if we are in a zombie-like state, totally numb and simply going through the motions.  On some mornings, we might feel like we can barely lift our heads off the pillow.  Any attempts to parent, socialize, or just do normal day-to-day tasks completely wipe us out.  All this is wholly normal and part of the grieving experience. See more….


Are Grief Support Helpful?

Support groups bring together people who are going through or have gone through similar experiences.

There are hundreds of different types of support groups that someone can become a part of. For example, this common ground might be cancer, chronic medical conditions, addiction, grief, or caregiving. See more…

Can Grief Make You Ill?

The overwhelming sadness associated with grief can not only affect your emotional health but may also have extreme negative effects on your physical health. Here are a few examples of how grief can make you ill:

Changes in sleep patterns—when we do not get enough sleep, we become more prone to sickness as well as experience a limited ability to concentrate during the day. See more…

Can Grief Cause Anxiety?

Anxiety is sometimes a practical and useful emotion, needed in certain situations.

Anxiety helps us prepare for the driver’s license exam or remember the things we might need to take to school or on a special trip. It also helps us stay alert to ensure our safety.

It is important to note that anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health disorders. See more….

Are Grief and Sorrow the Same Thing?

Every single person on this planet will go through periods of sadness in their life- happiness does not last forever, after all! When we talk about grief then there’s really no difference between sorrow and grief; while they both share similar definitions (sorrow: “deep regret,” whereas grieving means that someone has been bereaved or otherwise suffered great loss), only one word tells us how long it takes before you are able to move past your pain. See more…

Interested in speaking to Sharon?

Sign up for a Free Grief Discovery Session today.*

*This session can take place via zoom or by  phone.